Espèces Sans Espaces

The Espèces Sans Espaces project is part of Thomas Pausz’s artistic practice, which aims to propose new forms of narratives of the environment and inter-species relations through the creation of media ecosystems combining documentary work, fiction and digital creation.

This exhibition supported by Normandie Impressionniste and the Normandy Region is part of the programming of the festival ]interstice[18 rencontre des inclassables, proposed by Station Mir, Oblique/s and the collective Manœuvre whose theme in 2024 is: “Landscapes against nature”. This event offers a specific approach to digital arts and experimental creation that is embodied by bold choices of works, innovative research themes and a real policy of production and support for creation and artists.

The exhibition will be composed of two parts, Biopèlerinage and Shellreader.
Biopèlerinage is an immersive multi-screen documentary installation with a soundscape that stages new forms of coastal habitability inspired by the work of CREC researchers.
Shellreader is a digital interface between a living organism and an archive that allows texts to be encoded in the form of artificial shells. The 3D-printed shell-texts can then be recognized by artificial intelligence.

As part of Normandie Impressionniste and following his artistic research residency at the Modular Laboratory of the ésam Caen/Cherbourg in 2022 and 2023, Thomas Pausz focused on the protected coastal ecosystems and the ecology of intertidal zones (located between low and high tide) of Normandy , in partnership with the CREC Marine Station of the University of Caen Normandy and the Institute for Contemporary Publishing Archives.

Thomas Pausz proposes new forms of environmental storytelling and interspecies relationships through the creation of media ecosystems blending documentary, fiction, and digital creation. His approach multiplies viewpoints, changes scales, and temporalities to shape the experience of a “more-than-human” landscape. Species Without Spaces covers ecological issues and is accompanied by critical reflections on the role of creation and technologies.

The exhibition will consist of two parts, Biopilgrimage and Shellreader.

Biopilgrimage is an immersive documentary installation with multiple screens and a soundscape that stages new forms of coastal habitability inspired by the researchers of CREC

Shellreader is a digital interface between a living organism and an archive that encodes texts in the form of artificial shells. The 3D-printed shell-texts can then be recognized by artificial intelligence.